The weekend of October 14 -15, Holy Family Church will have a volunteer sign-up at all Masses to complete this year’s annual Stewardship of Ministry process. This is an opportunity for everyone to volunteer for the various ministry area(s) which we offer at Holy Family.
First of all, please do make certain that you put your name and your contact information on your volunteer form. Do give us two or three weeks after sign-up so that we can compile all of the returned forms. Then, during that time period, we will have the coordinator(s) of your particular area(s) contact you about the training date or organizational meetings for the ministry or ministries you select.
Secondly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, we ask you to complete a volunteer form even if you have been in a particular ministry for years and years. This sign-up is your way of letting us know you will re-commit yourself to a particular ministry until our next sign-up in fall of 2024.
Finally, we ask you, while completing your form, to spend some time in prayerful reflection. Think of the many good gifts with which the Lord has blessed you. Then ask yourself one simple question: when I consider the Lord’s goodness to me, in which ministry or ministries can I best return His Love for me?
Stewardship of Ministry is certainly a wonderful way to meet the volunteer needs of Holy Family Parish. It is also a wonderful way to exhibit the beauty of God’s Church in action. But, even deeper, Stewardship of Ministry is a beautiful opportunity for each of us to express our gratitude to the Lord for the love with which He blesses each of us. In case you cannot join us for Mass this weekend, please feel free to complete the volunteer form below. Simply send your completed form to the church office or place it in a future offertory collection.